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Generating Income from Blog and Sites

There are a number of ways to generate income from your blog and website. I'll share few which I found genuine and useful. Generally they are absolutely free of cost or have a very minimal cost of startup.

1. Advertisement Programs: It can be of the following types:

a. Cost Per Impression (CPM) Advertising Programs
These type of adv programs places some ads from the advertisers on your site based on your contents and estimates the page per impression. When these ads are displayed on your site its called an impression. You are generally paid a certain sum of amount for N impressions. The actual figures depends upon various factors. Also When someone clicks these ads you receive certain amount of money for it, which is also derived from the CPM.

b. Cost Per Click programs: these type of programs normally have a fixed sum of money associated with each ad and whenever a user clicks on an ad you get that fixed amount of money.

Google Adsense is undisputedly the most popular CPM Advertising Program around. Second to it will be Yahoo Publisher Network which works almost similarly to Google Adsense. Google is open for worldwide publishers while others still restricted to US and Canada mostly.

2. Affiliate Links

Joining an affiliate program means placing some affiliate link on your blog or site. Everytime people click on the affiliate link and purchase an item, you will earn commission from the sale. Also called Refferal links by some programs. Google adsense supports Refferal links as well.

3. Sell Text Links

You may also offer to place text links for other websites and collect a fee from them, but finding suitable and interested websites may be difficult and time consuming but if you are successful it can generate some decent revenue. But first you need to be holding a popular site and having a decent and relevant traffic.
Text Link Ads automatically places ads on your ad space and pays you.

4. Pay Per Post Program

PayPerPost Pays you for every relevant post you write in your blog. Kind of sponsored blogging, bur you may still choose to write what you find useful.
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